Order Process - XeeDevelopers

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Order Process

Our process is simple

Make Payment:

You pick one of our services and complete the payment with the secure payment gateway. After completing the order by making the payment, you will receive an email.

Custom Shopify Stores:

Once you will hire us for custom store according to your desire niche, you will receive a file in which we require info related to your store, that will be used to develop your store. Once we will complete the project, you are fully allowed to change the passwords and use the store accordingly. 

Premade Shopify Stores:

After purchasing Premade Shopify Store, we will send you a file containing all the info related to store within 1 hour of purchase, email address, passwords and rest of info. You can change password and become store owner with in few minutes. Once you will change the password, you are fully allow to run the store accordingly.

Get Free Support:

If you don't get an email within 1 hour please write to us at: info@xeedevelopers.com. We will support you for 24 hours and give you complete guidelines about the file and your store.