Who is required to design the Shopify? | Shopify Experts | Xee Developers - XeeDevelopers

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Who is required to design the Shopify?

June 01, 2019 1 min read

Who is required to design the Shopify?

You definitely need a designer or developer to design your Shopify Store or to use it for you. Basically, you have to customize your store with the online store builder and themes. You can add features and functionality to your store with apps.

Who can help us?

Shopify Experts Marketplace is there to help us in any problem. But for this, you have to search for a best, certified Shopify expert to help you.

Which country uses the Shopify?

Almost every country in the world uses Shopify.

Which language does Shopify support?

The customer-facing part for your Shopify store, include websites, blog, check out and emails can be in any language (almost 50 languages). The admin of your online Shopify store is currently available in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish Portuguese and Italian.

What we need to start selling on Shopify?

You need following this to start your selling’s on the Shopify:

  1. Need a Shopify plan.
  2. Products to sell.
  3. Sign up in Shopify.
  4. Set up your store.
  5. Add your products.
  6. If you don’t have products then drop shipping is a good option for you.

What is dropshipping?

A dropshipping is the one where the business owner lists, but doesn’t own, keep or ship inventory.

Where we can sell with Shopify?

You can sell at almost every place in the world, as it is all online work so need to worry about this that you cannot explore your business, even this gives you the platform to do all things.